JIM Swales
An artist at a very early age Jim would say he had a pencil in hand while in the womb. Starting out in Niagra Falls Jim has been tattooing since 1985. He is able to tattoo all genres ranging from Old School right through to New School and everything in between.
An Award winning artist , Jim has studied with Crazy Ace Daniels of Way Cool TATTOOS and has owned multiple tattoo shops through the years. He has experience with all walks of life and would be considered a true people person.
When asked about his favorite style of TATTOO work Jim shows no preference to any particular one and instead enjoys the diversity of styles that his clients come to him for.
Jim has had the honor of tattooing numerous celebrities and rock stars. Coming from the big cities he is now looking forward to working in a smaller more personable town, Port Hope being the perfect place.
After buying a home in Port Hope and falling in love with the people and small town life , Jim’s focus is now on preserving the history and art of tattooing in the lovely historical downtown district.